Avoiding Hearing Tests Could Make the Problem Much Worse

Avoiding Hearing Tests Could Make the Problem Much Worse

One of the things that makes hearing loss difficult to detect is the fact that for most people hearing loss is a gradual process. You don’t wake up one day and suddenly have hearing loss. Instead, it happens slowly over time, and the daily changes are usually too small to notice.  You may not realize that you have hearing loss …


How Treating Hearing Loss Improves Your Relationships

Hearing loss strains communication which is integral to how we navigate our environment. Difficulties with communication take a toll on various aspects of life including relationships. Stress from hearing loss especially affects the relationships with people closest to us. The breakdown of day-to-day communication can create tension, frustration, and distance between you and your loved ones. Fortunately, treating hearing loss …

a linke between gout and hearing loss

A Link Between Gout & Hearing Loss

The human body is an amazingly integrated organism, and almost no part can operate without the functioning of the rest. A domino rally of effects can easily occur in the body when one part fails or experiences dysfunction. Indeed, the mind is not exempt from this chain reaction that can occur, and remarkable connections between the body and mind make …

all about assistive listening devices

All About Assistive Listening Devices

When you think about hearing assistance, the first thing to come to mind might be hearing aids. Indeed, hearing aids are the most common type of assistive listening device, and they offer a type of assistance that applies to the widest range of needs. Despite their ubiquity, hearing aids are not the only kind of assistive technology that is available. …

headphones and hearing aids

Headphones & Hearing Aids

Music lovers are some of the people who benefit most from hearing aids. Though they might have lost the ability to hear certain frequencies, hearing aids can bring back the full-spectrum sound that they covet. Without needing to listen to such high volumes that family members and neighbors are annoyed, hearing aids make it possible to have a home listening …

building connections may is better hearing and speech

May is Better Hearing and Speech Month!

This month is Better Hearing and Speech Month! Organized by the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA), this initiative is all about raising awareness about communication disorders and transformative solutions. An annual campaign, this year’s theme is building connections which highlights the importance of accessing resources and prioritizing your hearing health.  Hearing loss is one of the most common chronic medical conditions …

facts and fiction about hearing loss

Facts and Fictions about Hearing Loss

Many people are reluctant to talk about their hearing loss. There’s a stigma attached to hearing loss, and no one wants to admit that they’re getting older. However, hearing loss affects people of all ages, and hearing loss isn’t a sign of aging! These are some of the common facts and fiction about hearing loss. Fiction: Hearing Loss Shows I’m …

things people with hearing loss with you knew

Things People with Hearing Loss Wish You Knew

Do you have a loved one living with hearing loss? It can be hard to explain hearing loss to someone who’s never experienced it. Your loved one may tell you that it’s hard to follow conversations. They might tell you it sounds like you’re always mumbling. Maybe they tell you that they are sensitive to loud noise, or they’re always …

linked between hearing loss and cardiovascular disease

A Link Between Hearing Loss & Cardiovascular Disease

Among the top causes of death in the United States, cardiovascular disease is a threat to many people, particularly as they age. As a general term encompassing other conditions such as heart attack, stroke, heart failure, arrhythmia, and heart valve problems, many people are at risk of cardiovascular disease, and the consequences are among the most serious our bodies face. …

investing in your hearing health

Investing in Your Health: Treating Hearing Loss

When health problems come along, our entire lives can be affected. Not only is our physical well being under the weather, but we can experience a ripple effect into many other domains of life. Poor physical health can lead to a bad mood, which can have a strong effect on our interpersonal and family relationships. The mental toll can extend …